Effective Conversations

What Makes a Conversation Great?

A great conversation only happens when your primary goal is to make a good connection. ...

Using Emotions and Visions to Motivate Change

How you affect a person's biochemistry is important to motivation. This post teaches how to use emotions and visions to motivate committed action.

How to Determine if Risks Are Worth Taking

You take risks regularly but hesitate when the outcome is unknown. This post gives you 5 things to consider when making decisions with risks.

Why You Want to Be Thin-Skinned

Being thick-skinned resists the pain of judgement and hurtful remarks, but also blocks deep connections with others - read 5 ways to safely be thin-skinned to improve your conversations.

3 Questions to Balance Hope with Reality

How do you know when to hope and when to let go? These three questions will help you choose how to assess what is possible and what is not.

Coaching with Compassionate and Courageous Empathy

Empathy doesn’t mean getting caught up in people’s emotions and dramas. This post offers ways to develop compassionate and courageous empathy in any conversation.

The Most Powerful Way to Sincerely Connect With Others

You must prep your brain before conversations so it can't sabotage your attempts to connect. Follow these 3 steps to ensure satisfaction with your interactions.

Who Shaped Your Identity?

When you know who shaped your identity, you can decide what to keep and what parts you will release that will set you free to become the person you want to be.

The Greatest Block to Transformation

Your old patterns may have served you, but now is the time for transformation. These questions will help you shift from WHO YOU ARE TODAY to WHO YOU CAN BECOME.

Four Words That Can Transform Your Conversations

These four words will strengthen your relationships and coaching conversations as you explore the meaning and value of what is said together.

Having the Courage to Stay Steady

What does it mean to stay steady? Do you have to fulfill every goal you set? This post gives the criteria needed to feel steady even when changes need to be made.

How to Unhook From Your Need to Give Advice

Telling people what they need to do is a common, annoying habit. This post will help improve your relationships by releasing the judgement that people need your help.

7 Ways to Maintain Your Energy and Happiness Throughout the Day

Social media is full of self-care suggestions. These lists fall short of impacting your whole self. You need 7 types of rest for happiness and success.

Why You Should Quit Trying to Manage Time

Time management is a futile goal. Instead, manage your emotions, your focus, and knowing what gives you a sense of purpose to feel more joy than stress.

How Your Brain Keeps You From Living Your Best Life

In order to expand your mind and grow, you have to clearly see the stories you are living by. But you need someone else to bring your stories to light. This post will give you simple tools to coach others to see themselves and the world in broader more hopeful ways.

The One Word That is Holding You Back

No matter if you are clear about what you want to create or change in your future, if you use this one word, you will stop yourself from moving forward.

Three Easy Steps for Maintaining Psychological Safety

For a conversation to be transformational, there must be psychological safety. Practice these steps to quickly make others feel safe with you.

How to Influence Instead of Argue

No matter how right you know you are, the person you want to convince to think differently isn’t looking for facts or logic. To influence means you affect a change or shift in thinking, not force your ideas on others. These 3 steps will help your conversation flow smoothly.