Marcia Reynolds, PsyD, MCC

When I was 26 years old and just completed my Master’s degree in Broadcasting, I was hired by the training department of a hospital corporation to use my AV skills by pushing television monitors and film projectors around the hospital corridors.

Then my career path changed – within two months, the director of the department fired the only trainer and then decided to pursue her doctorate while working. She dumped all the training responsibilities in my lap.

My first responsibility was to deliver the management training classes. I followed the instructional guidelines, but found the most impactful training experiences came through the open dialogues we had around the materials provided. These conversations were so inspiring to me, I embraced the teaching role and signed up to earn an MEd in Adult Learning.

I went on to run training departments for two global tech companies. I continued to research, learn, and apply methods to improve my training hoping to create sustainable change. I made my classes more interactive. I created exercises and games to engage and use humor to learn. Participants said they loved my classes, but in hallway conversations, I learned that when new behavior felt awkward, they would go back to behaving like they had always done before even though they knew there were ways to be more effective.

On the last day of my last corporate job, someone sent me an article on this new profession called “coaching.” It was 1995. I signed up to observe a coaching demonstration. Instantly recognizing a new and more meaningful way to learn, I enrolled in a coaching school. I have been hooked ever since that article fell into my hands. I found the path to creating sustainable change that is far more effective than telling people what they must do!

I began researching how coaching impacts the brain, proving it is a powerful learning technology that prompts long-term behavioral change. I decided to get my doctorate to have access to the latest research, and have continued studying neuroscience and applying what I learn to my coaching approaches. I believe coaching is the best way to open minds, inspire hearts, and strengthen the courage to change and grow.

I dedicate my days to sharing what I learn with other coaches and leaders in the world, so we can expand conscious awareness and uplift human spirits together.

I now have taught coaches and coached leaders in 47 countries. I am recognized in the Coaches50 of top leadership coaches and Global Gurus has listed me as one of the top 10 Coaches in the world, and the #1 woman on the list for over 5 years, and the International Coaching Federation has included me in their Circle of Distinction for my contributions to the global coaching community. My foundational and mastery Breakthrough Coaching programs on the platform provides advanced skills and community for coaches around the world. I was recently awarded the Coaching Impact Award for Emerging Organizations for working with my client AEON Vietnam to transform their culture and accelerate their success with coaching even through the pandemic, which was an amazing feat for a retail corporation!

I am grateful to have found coaching and earn the privilege with working with coaches around the planet and online.

Photo of Marcia Reynolds with #5 Top Global Gurus

Marcia Reynolds, PsyD, MCC – Bio

Dr. Marcia Reynolds, Master Certified Coach and president of Covisioning LLC, is a master of teaching others how to engage in powerful conversations that connect, influence, and activate change, even when emotions are strong. From government agencies and large multi-national companies, to coaching schools in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and across North America, she’s been hired by organizations around the globe, not just because of her highly engaging presentations but because of her ability to inspire people to change minds and behavior. She has provided coaching and training in 47 countries, to thousands coaches and leaders online, is on faculty for coaching schools in the US, Asia, and Eastern Europe. 

Her foundational and mastery Breakthrough Coaching programs on the platform provide advanced skills and community for coaches around the world. She was recently awarded the Coaching Impact Award for Emerging Organizations for working with her client AEON Vietnam to transform their culture and accelerate their success with coaching even through the pandemic, an amazing feat for a retail corporation!

As a pioneer in the coaching profession, she was the 5th global president of the International Coaching Federation and is recognized in the ICF Circle of Distinction for her contributions to the world-wide coaching community. She is recognized as a Coaches50 top leadership coach and has been in the top 10 of coaches for Global Gurus for many years.

Prior to coaching, Marcia ran training departments for two global companies. She designed the culture change programs for a global semiconductor manufacturing company facing bankruptcy. Within three years, the company turned around and became the #1 revenue producing stock market success with its IPO in 1993.

Excerpts from her 5 books including her international bestseller, Coach the Person, Not the Problem and her latest book, Breakthrough Coaching, have appeared in many places including Fast Company, Psychology Today, and The Wall Street Journal.

Her education includes a doctorate in Organizational Psychology and two master’s degrees in Communication and Adult Learning/ Instructional Design.


Dr. Marcia Reynolds helps global organizations grow their leadership using coaching for accelerated results. Her clients include executives and emerging leaders in multinational corporations, non-profit organizations, and government agencies. She also speaks at coaching and leadership conferences around the world and has taught classes and coached leaders in 47 countries.

Marcia Reynolds in blue jacket and plum dress speaking on stage in China

Marcia has been a student and researcher of how humans learn since earning her second master’s degree is adult education in 1986. In 1996 she designed a training program that integrates emotional intelligence with leadership presence, communications effectiveness, and coaching conversations. As she developed her skills in coaching, she integrated her knowledge of neuroscience and emotional intelligence into her class and her coaching. She has since taught her programs for many government agencies, multi-national corporations, and for coaching schools around the world.

Dr. Marcia Reynolds is on a mission: to have leaders feel that their greatest purpose is how well they expand the minds of others and strengthen their will to move forward with coaching.With Marcia’s guidance, you can make a powerful difference one meaningful conversation at a time.


In her search for new techniques in behavioral change, Marcia enrolled in a coaching school in 1995. She quickly saw the power of coaching to make the mental shifts required to sustain change. 

She has since coached hundreds of executives and professionals to improve the impact of their communications and make successful transitions. She also teaches coaching in her leadership classes and for coaching schools worldwide.

Marcia was the 5th global chair of the International Coaching Federation and one of the first 25 people in the world to become a Master Certified Coach (MCC). She teaches for coaching schools in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and the US, and offers master classes globally both live and online.

Logo with Top Global Gurus Coaching
Round ICF Master Certified Coach


Interviews and excerpts from her books Outsmart Your Brain, The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations into Breakthroughs, Wander Woman: How High Achieving Women Find Contentment and Direction (Gold Medal: Axiom Business Books Awards), and her international bestsellers Coach The Person, Not the Problem: A Guide to Using Reflective Inquiry and Breakthrough Coaching: Creating Lightbulb Moments in Your Coaching Conversations, have appeared in many places including Psychology Today, Fast Company, Talent Management,,,, and The Wall Street Journal. Dr. Reynolds has been interviewed for business magazines in Europe, Asia, and on ABC World News. 


Short videos on leadership coaching concepts ——— Short videos on coaching people to solve problems

Lindved Madsen in white shirt and blue tie

Marcia Reynolds is by far the most effective and influential executive coach and corporate trainer I have ever encountered. It is not only Ms. Reynolds deep skills and understanding of executive development that I consider world class; Ms. Reynolds has a brilliant ability to comprehend, nurture, and feed back information to all types of leaders while they are experiencing significant change. Everyone is positively affected after a program or conversation with Ms. Reynolds.

Per Lindved Madsen, PhD

Head of Global Talent Management, DAMCO


  • Duke Clinical Research Institute
  • The Hershey Company
  • Ernst & Young
  • Medtronic
  • Maersk
  • Sanofi
  • Cornell University
  • Smith College
  • MBA Women International
  • The Discovery Channel
  • Boise Paper
  • Dignity Health
  • Abila
  • Microchip Technology
  • Pointe Hilton Hotels
  • Printing Industries Association
  • Institute for Management Studies
  • Make-A-Wish Foundation
  • Center for Disease Control
  • American Express
  • US National Institutes of Health

Work with Marcia Reynolds

Discover how Dr. Marcia Reynolds’ innovative coaching strategies will help your company elevate leadership, foster a sense of community, and dramatically improve trust.